Friday, July 8, 2011

"That" song

Yesterday we started working on THE song.  You know which one.  The big one.  The raison d’être for most pipe bands.  The single most recognized song for bagpipes in the world.  I refer, of course, to Amazing Grace.

From a technical standpoint, it’s not really that difficult.  By that I mean there aren’t a lot of complicated flourishes or finger patterns. 
But the fact is, this is the one that has to be perfect.  Each and every time, it must be perfect.  Even more than the fingering, the timing must be impeccable.  All the pipers must be in sync.  For unlike most other songs played on the pipes, this one will invariably carry emotional significance. 

Granted, the average person who hears it won’t know if a grace note or a D-throw are a little off, but for a band it must have that crisp uniformity – that cleanliness of sound that comes from everyone being in exact time with each other.  That (in my opinion) is what helps give this piece it’s gravitas.

Given the purpose of our band, this is the one song I feel we must absolutely get right. 

Onoir Do Na Marbh.

Honor to the Dead.

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