Saturday, June 18, 2011


Well, I've got my new Korg TM-40 Tuner/Metronome, just like Neil's.  But that's the only positive right now.
These doublings are killing me.  We're punching through the A,B,C and G doubling exercises which should be easy.  I mean the left hand fingerings are essentially identical for each of them.  But I can't seem to make it click.  Intellectually I think I understand them, but I can't get my fingers to cooperate.  I know it's just muscle memory, so I'm drilling it more and more.  But the other thing is the rhythm.  I pick up the patter okay in class, but it seems to fly out of my head when I'm at home.   I know I'm supposed to be able to read the rhythm in the notes on the page, but it's still not connecting with a sound in my head.

I've gotten lax on my practice and it shows.  Time to buckle down a little more.

As far as tunes, we're using Barnyards of Delgady as a memorized warm up and are now working on memorized Scots Wha Hae.  I'm actually feeling pretty comfortable with this, it's just those damn doubling exercises.....

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